Popular Sh Programming Tips
map function in shell
Vincent Driessen
3 responses
shell, sh, linux, unix
Replace all occurences of 'Shard' with 'Card' in the git repo
Jussi Kalliokoski
4 responses
sed, sh, replace, productivity
Bash/Sh as a template engine
Gregory Pakosz
1 response
shell, sh, bash
CDPATH - cd to your project directory from anywhere
Gregory Pakosz
2 responses
shell, zsh, sh, bash
SVG to PNG in multiple sizes and colors
Richard Lyon
1 response
shell, sh, svg, png
*nix Cheatsheet
0 responses
zsh, sh, bash, echo
Search & replace one-liner w/ ag, xargs & perl/sed
Henrik Lissner
0 responses
perl, shell, zsh, sh
Boost your command-line
Pierre-François CLEMENT
0 responses
shell, zsh, sh, bash
Start working in a second and save time for beer
Łukasz Niemier
6 responses
workspace, sh, projects, life hacks
Download Chromium Nightly for Mac
Russell Smith
1 response
chrome, sh, mac, chromium
Inferno sh command to find files in a git repo with oldtext and update them
Jason Catena
0 responses
git, diff, sed, grep
Running 'git status' across multiple repos
Dustin Haffner
0 responses
sh, command line, git
Shell script to install MongoDB
Luiz Gustavo Gavinho
0 responses
sh, mongodb, vagrant
Enable a drupal module and all of its submodules
Kornel Lugosi
0 responses
sh, drush, drupal
quickly start/stop virtualbox vm from the command line
Lemuel Formacil
0 responses
shell, bash, sh, virtualbox
Vim open multiple files
Alexander Berezovsky
1 response
shell, vim, sh
Export redmine tickets to todo.txt
Kornel Lugosi
0 responses
shell, sh, redmine, bash
evil bash
Nick Jacob
2 responses
shell, sh, bash
Minecraft server tools
Nicholas Jordon
0 responses
shell, sh, open source, server
Reuse last parameter from the last command
Alexander Berezovsky
0 responses
zsh, sh, bash
Run adhoc unix process in the background
James Gosnell
0 responses
sh, linux, unix, freebsd
Vim read STDOUT
Alexander Berezovsky
0 responses
shell, vim, sh
update your mac from the command line
0 responses
bash, osx, sh, mac
Get command path in POSIX shell
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
shell, zsh, sh, ksh
Start/Stop/status cycle for vert.x program (or any other PID controlled one)
Octavio Luna
0 responses
shell, sh, vertx, java
Recent Activity
Remove git branch locally and on remote
Dawson Botsford
shell, sh, linux, unix
Alias to strip comments from a file
Valcho Nedelchev
shell, bash, alias, sh
Generate your changelogs with Git log and write
Miguel Ramos
log, sh, changelog, git
Convert HEX to DEC (and vice versa) Using Only Your Shell
Cengiz Can
shell, sh, hex, bash
Search & replace one-liner w/ ag, xargs & perl/sed
Henrik Lissner
perl, shell, zsh, sh
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