Popular Bash Programming Tips
Rails & Postgres: Better dropping of the database
Alistair Holt
3 responses
rails, postgres, pow, bash
cdff - cd to the path of the front-most Finder window
Max Masnick
2 responses
zsh, terminal, os x, bash
Bash Prompt Builder
Marc Hibbins
1 response
unix, git, bash
How to open NSUserDefaults preferences stored in plist files
Ernesto Mendoza Blanco
0 responses
ios, xcode, plist, bash
How to get your External IP from bash
Ashley Raiteri
3 responses
ec2, ip address, bash
Automatically add routes when connecting to a VPN
Christian Romney
0 responses
shell, xmlblog, osx, mac
Better ack pager
Lincoln de Sousa
0 responses
ack, pager, bash, less
Close all terminal tabs except the current one (iTerm2 et al.)
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
shell, zsh, unix, iterm
Shell jobs in a pill <3
Adam Stankiewicz
1 response
shell, zsh, linux, unix
Search & replace one-liner w/ ag, xargs & perl/sed
Henrik Lissner
0 responses
perl, shell, zsh, sh
Using RVM with Shebang
Slava Ptsarev
0 responses
ruby, rvm, bash, shebang
Fix terminal rows, columns, and type when using old versions of kubectl exec
James Cuzella
0 responses
kubernetes, docker, tty, bash
iTerm automation with AppleScript and Bash
Jason Rogers
0 responses
applescript, iterm, bash
Change order of $PATH entries in OSX for Homebrew: the elegant way to do it
Aron Rotteveel
0 responses
osx, homebrew, brew, path
Check if IP address belongs to Akamai (programmatically)
Rafael Felix Correa
0 responses
shellscript, network, check, bash
See your top 10 most used terminal commands
Eric Raio
7 responses
shell, terminal, bash
Helpful Bash Aliases for Django
Ron Elliott
0 responses
python, django, bash
Remove files older than 7 days
Balazs Nadasdi
1 response
shell, script, find, cron
How to load environment when using ssh non-inteactive
Michel Blanc
0 responses
shell, ssh, bash
Retry git push as long as the server is down
Stuart P. Bentley
1 response
bash, retry
Simple Todo-Managing Shell Scripts
0 responses
linux, bash, shellscripts
Convert .gz to .lzo
Philip Gloyne
2 responses
gzip, bash, lzo
Linux Basic
0 responses
linux, unix, bash, lpic
Command Line Lipsum Text
Jonah Dahlquist
1 response
shell, text, bash, lipsum
Killer shell prompt to use with Git
0 responses
shell, prompt, git, bash