Popular Bash Programming Tips
Running PHP inline on the command-line
Jasdeep Khalsa
0 responses
php, command line, bash
Randomize Cowsay Critters
Joel Kirchartz
0 responses
random, motd, bash, cowsay
Pipe Viewer views pipes - and long running restores
Matt Keranen
0 responses
database, hybriddba, bash, postgresql
Run Dropbox on shutdown with bash script - Ubuntu
Ivan Đurđevac
0 responses
shell, linux, dropbox, cloud
simple git auto-pull
Yuri Tkachenko
1 response
watch, server, pull, git
Khurshid Alam
0 responses
script, linux, ubuntu, bash
Copy lorem ipsum text to clipboard via shell
James Cuzella
3 responses
shell, alias, linux, clipboard
Bash elapsed time
Matteo Caberlotto
0 responses
time, bash, elapsed
Getting Public IP from Shell
Michael Baird
4 responses
shell, public, terminal, alias
Preserve bash history across multiple sessions
Stanislaw Pusep
0 responses
shell, hack, history, bash
Find which terminal commands you use more
Anderson Pierre Cardoso
3 responses
zsh, terminal, osx, linux
Nice display of your MacBook's battery status in tmux/terminal
Nicolas Goles
0 responses
zsh, terminal, tmux, bash
Save time typing paths with Autojump: arguably the most important shell tool.
Aleksey Smolenchuk
9 responses
shell, zsh, workflow, bash
Zsh variables, Ruby - somehow ARGV contains wrong number of elements
Bartłomiej Danek
2 responses
ruby, zsh, fail, bash
self-compiling source code
Max Golubev
2 responses
shell, trick, c, bash
Add a file to every subdirectory recursively
Hartley Brody
0 responses
grep, find, xargs, git
Open less on given line number.
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
shell, zsh, unix, bash
Speeding up your terminal in OSX by clearing ASL logs
Ciro Nunes
2 responses
zsh, terminal, log, osx
Get a list of the available colours for tmux
1 response
bash, tmux
Cron, rbenv and $PATH
Rasmus Bang Grouleff
0 responses
ruby, unix, rbenv, cron
Boost your command-line
Pierre-François CLEMENT
0 responses
shell, zsh, sh, bash