Popular Bash Programming Tips
Storing secrets in the macOS keychain
2 responses
macos, apple, keychain, configuration
Skeleton Daemon written in Bash
Shawn Patrick Rice
0 responses
shell, daemon, template, bash
GNU/Linux: time zone for a specific user
Paweł Wilk
0 responses
shell, linux, gnu, user
grep -nr <x> <folder>
Marc Kuo
1 response
shell, sublime text, linux, ide
Create A Simple Git Timesheet
David Stump
3 responses
alias, git, bash, timesheet
bash alias to get latest/most recent file
Ryan Regalado
2 responses
aliases, alias, osx, vim
Debug Bash Scripts with Line Numbers & more info
James Cuzella
2 responses
debug, debugging, shell script, bash
Quickly create large binary files for testing
Mike Hourahine
0 responses
shell, macosx, unix, bash
WTF did I do?!
Jens Nilsson
8 responses
shell, os x, tool, helpful
Bash Include Guard
Matthew Tardiff
1 response
shell, bash, include guard
Automatically enable django's bash completion on virtualenv activate (using virtualenvwrapper)
Lemuel Formacil
0 responses
python, django, virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper
Check md5sum of remote file
James Cuzella
0 responses
checksum, remote, files, check
GitHub Wiki: Table of Contents
Mario Ricalde
0 responses
awk, wiki, bash, table of contents
Bash: String version comparaison
Guillaume Hain
0 responses
version, bash, compare
Update homebrew in OS X Mavericks
Reinaldo Aguilera
1 response
homebrew, bash, mavericks
Awesome Script for Changing Java Versions
Tom Romano
0 responses
jvm, profile, jdk, java
Git add same name different folder files.
Jose Jesus Perez Aguinaga
0 responses
javascript, bash, git
Basic script template for every bash script
0 responses
shell, bash
Sort your git tags by version! Version Sort to the rescue!
Loisaida Sam
2 responses
git, sort, bash, semantic versioning
gist script from command line
1 response
shell, console, gist, git
Pipes and streams in Linux
Arnold Daniels
0 responses
bash, linux, command line, shell
A couple of things I wish I knew earlier with linux
David Porter
6 responses
shell, linux, bash
Remove remote merged branches
Enrique Vidal
2 responses
git, bash
Russian Roulette SysAdmin Style
Chris Seymour
0 responses
shell, bash