Popular Programming Tips
Creating patch from GitHub pull request
Willy Barro
6 responses
patch, diff, merge, pullrequest
Deploying Rails app using Nginx, Unicorn, Postgres and Capistrano to Digital Ocean
James Dullaghan
34 responses
rails, nginx, unicorn, capistrano
Angular-UI Bootstrap alert service for Angular.js
Bayard Randel
22 responses
bootstrap, javascript, angular.js
Word/Line deletion and navigation shortcuts in iTerm2
Levi Tan Ong
7 responses
keyboard, shortcuts, keyboard shortcuts, iterm
How to make beautiful Github README
Jose Jesus Perez Aguinaga
5 responses
markdown, readme, github
Pagination: You're (Probably) Doing It Wrong.
Ian MacLeod
10 responses
algorithms, infinite scroll, pagination, ajax
How fix the "No symbol table is loaded." gdb issue on Mountain Lion
Joey B
4 responses
mac, debugging, gcc, mac os x
Remove a git submodule
Santiago Gil
6 responses
submodule, git
Fullscreen experience on Mobile Safari
Andrej Mihajlov
6 responses
mobile, safari, html5, javascript
Encode string to HTML entities via jQuery
Igor Moiseev
2 responses
html, javascript, htmlentities, jquery
styling html file input
Ian Hansen
5 responses
css, html, ie
C# convert string to MD5 hash
Jason Yost
0 responses
md5, c#
Bash: Removing leading zeroes from a variable
3 responses
Querying sub-documents and sub-sub-documents in Mongoose
Dominik García
5 responses
nodejs, express, expressjs, mongodb
Case-sensitive git in Mac OS X like a Pro
Even André Fiskvik
12 responses
osx, rename, filename, git
Show your git status and branch (in color) at the command prompt
Jake Romer
8 responses
git, ps1, bash prompt, git status
Restore a MongoDB database(mongorestore)
Guilio Karadanais - sativaware.co.za
0 responses
mongodb, nosql, mongorestore, dev-ops
Easy JSON (un)marshalling in Scala with Jackson
Jeroen Rosenberg
8 responses
scala, json, jackson, serialization
How to download a project subdirectory from GitHub
Janos Gyerik
5 responses
svn, git, github
Ansible retry task
Misha Behersky
1 response
ansible, playbook, retry, task
Recursive find & replace with sed
Matt Senior
2 responses
sed, grep, linux
Access scope outside of AngularJS
Richard McDaniel
7 responses
jquery, scope, javascript, angularjs