Fix SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed (OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError)
Set to verify none (run that bit of code before making the request or put this bit in an initializer)
UPDATE: Solution above works ok if you're just coding on development machine.. But for a far better solution (especially production servers), please follow this link:
Written by Josh Teng
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6 Responses

Where shall I add this code to?!

simple solution check this out

Thank you!

Thank you very much.
I was facing this problem since 1 month.Thanks a lot
Add this line in the code
options = {
:username =>jiraUsrname,
:password =>jiraPwd,
:site => jiraUrlnew,
:contextpath => '',
:authtype => :basic,
:usessl => true,
:sslverifymode => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFYNONE
:sslverifymode => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE this line of code fix this issue
This is a terrible idea and you should never do this.