Popular Programming Tips
How to install OpenERP 8.0 Alpha on a fresh Debian / Ubuntu server.
Benoit C. Sirois
17 responses
python, openerp, business, ubuntu
Setting up and using git send-email with gmail.
David Tran
0 responses
setup, git, send-email
Remove index.php in CodeIgniter
Damian Tommasino
3 responses
php, linux, codeigniter
Use YUI instead of a whole mess of JavaScript
Jeremy Baker
0 responses
emberjs, backbone, yui, front end
jQuery - SlideUp to reveal
Daniel Hodkinson
0 responses
jquery, css, slide, reveal
Quickly add a license to your GitHub repository
Gonçalo Morais
2 responses
haskell, repository, git, license
CSS3 | Placeholder - Animation
Aaron Diamantberg
0 responses
css3, input, animation, jsfiddle
Sublime Select All in a Bracket
Miles Matthias
3 responses
sublime text 2, selection, keyboard shortcuts
Javascript - number conversion
Igor Ivanovic
0 responses
javascript, parsing numbers, number conversion
Android Animations – Code Snippets
0 responses
animation, interpolator, android
Git: Multiple accounts with Bitbucket
1 response
bitbucket, git, accounts
tmux - same command for all panes in window
0 responses
tmux, synchronize
Convert plist to json
Cherif YAYA
0 responses
plist, json
Say Hello to Background-Origin and Background-Clip, CSS3 new features!
Elad Shechter
5 responses
css, css3, web design
log navigation with `less`
Lisa Hagemann
1 response
shell, less, log navigation
Detect HiDPI (Retina) displays in JavaScript
Phil Freo
0 responses
gravatar, images, retina, backbone.js
Change owner of multiple tables of a PostgreSQL database
Lars Behnke
0 responses
sql, postgresql
Apache MIME type fix for .WOFF fonts in Chrome
Dan Wasyluk
1 response
css, chrome, apache, fonts
Python dict to object
Lachezar Yankov
0 responses
python, structure, object, dict
DO NOT USE min-device-width in media queries
8 responses
css, media queries
Dockerfile for RVM
Marco da Silva
3 responses
ruby, rvm, dockerfile, docker
Copy local files to remote server using capistrano 3
Boris Quiroz
0 responses
capistrano, capistrano 3, copy files
Detecting Swipe Using jQuery
Steve Ambielli
1 response