Popular Programming Tips
Bidirectional translation between 1D and 3D arrays
Daniel Kosalla
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Convert Ruby hash keys to symbols
Bashir Eghbali
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Simple slideTo using jQuery
Jake Chapman
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jquery, development, snippet, front-end
Enable named placeholders in node-mysql
Gajus Kuizinas
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node, mysql
STM32F3DISCOVERY: quick start with Mac OS X
Maxim Smirnov
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Fixing 'The Map doesn't Show up until I refresh' when working with Turbolinks in Ruby on Rails
Hamza Ouaghad
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Why you should use AngularJS with jQuery
Filip Sobczak
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jquery, javascript, angularjs
Filtering Backbone Collections
RJ Zaworski
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Selecting carefully with Laravel Joins
JP Camara
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php, laravel
Transparent socks proxy in bash
Richo Healey
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proxy, socks, bash
SQL Queries Kill Website Scalability
Jonathan Block
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Killing Backbone Zombies in Single Page Apps
Andruw Hart
1 response
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Automatically generate UITableViewCell reuse identifiers
Michael Morrison
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ios, objective-c
creating a self-extracting-archive installer script
Gino Lucero
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shell, linux, unix, bash
Enable GZIP support on Heroku
Luiz Fonseca
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ruby, css, rails, heroku
Handle a git merge conflict
Connor Leech
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git, github
Retrieve your Sublime Text 2 Licence Key
Andrew Cairns
1 response
sublime, mac, sublime text 2, key
Maxim Kalina
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capistrano + ftp only hosting provider
Janez Troha
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MOTDs on Amazon AMIs
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using gulp with browserify and watchify
Steven Iseki
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gulp, browserify
Integration Testing with rspec and devise
Esteban Sanín Ángel
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ruby, tdd, rails, bdd
Hiding the iOS Keyboard
Juan Sanchez
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keyboard, ipad, iphone, hide