Popular Programming Tips
Navigataur: A pure CSS responsive navigation menu
Mike King
17 responses
css, responsive design, css3, navigation
Force redraw on an element (jQuery)
Jack Hsu
2 responses
javascript, browsers, jquery
AngularJS is amazing... and hard as hell
Jose Jesus Perez Aguinaga
20 responses
javascript, angularjs
Find all objects containing specific text in SQL Server
Tom Troughton
0 responses
t-sql, sql server
Adding a line break between two inline elements
Rodrigo Martinez
17 responses
css, white-space, line-break, line break
Define your own function in a Makefile
Julien Gonzalez
0 responses
make, makefile
Convert JSON string to Pretty Print (Java, Gson)
Ken Lee
0 responses
json, java, gson
Ruby on Rails 4 - Authentication with Facebook and OmniAuth.
Sergio Tapia Gutierrez
51 responses
rails, facebook, omniauth, authentication
CSS3 calc() in LESS CSS
Shekhar Sharma
3 responses
css3, less
Sublime Text: Wrapping content with tag
14 responses
sublime, text, shortcut, html
Pip : Install a specific github repo tag or branch
5 responses
python, tag, pip, virtualenv
Javascript get element by xpath
1 response
js, xpath, javascript, browser console
swift 4 current year, month, day
0 responses
swift, ios
2-page view in Google Docs
4 responses
hack, usability, bookmarklet, google-docs
Raspberry Pi - Wifi Setup with WPA2-PSK [aes]
Chase Chou
4 responses
pi, wifi, raspberry
Show All Validation Errors in Laravel's Blade View
Mochammad Masbuchin
8 responses
laravel, blade
Access EC2 Linux box over ssh without .pem file
Willem van der Jagt
22 responses
shell, ssh, aws, amazon
Random number generator in bash
Mark Wunsch
2 responses
shell, unix, bash
Workflow in Tmux
Evan Travers
14 responses
Why you should always append DOM elements using DocumentFragments
Thomas Lindstrøm
10 responses
performance, dom, document, fragment
Deleting cookies in Laravel
JP Camara
0 responses
php, laravel
Ruby: Convert a string to an array of characters
Steven Nunez
8 responses
ruby, useless, scan
Variable templates for an AngularJS directive
11 responses
js, tumblr, javascript, angularjs
Using _.each cleans up your javascript loops
Tim Santeford
6 responses
underscorejs, javascript, nodejs