CSS3 calc() in LESS CSS
Today I was banging my head that CSS3 calc() property was not working correctly in any browsers. Then I realized I am using LESS and any math operators between brackets would be calculated and then only CSS would be parsed by browsers.
My problem was:
@asideWidth: 30px;
.post {
width: calc(100% - @asideWidth);
This was giving me output as 70%. Horrible. Right after the moment, I realized - anything inside brackets in the LESS would be calculated by LESS first. So I had to parse the calc as Escape string for LESS, like:
.post {
width: ~"calc(100% 0 @asideWidth)";
That also failed, reason being anything inside that Escape string would not be evaluated. So I had to to remove the variable and use actual number.
.post {
width: ~"calc(100% - 30px)";
And all passed.
Written by Shekhar Sharma
Related protips
3 Responses

The Calc() issue has since been fixed, but not sure if its in the current release. I suspect it is.
To use a variable in a string:
~"calc(100% @{asideWidth})"

For those still interested, in the most current release you now do:
width: calc(~"100% - " @variable);

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