Popular Programming Tips
iOS Custom URL Scheme
Christopher Hannah
5 responses
objective c, custom url scheme, ios
Git cherry-pick from another repository
Luca Guidi
3 responses
cherry-pick, git
Decode top level JSON array into a slice of structs in golang
David Pelaez T.
1 response
json, golang, structs, decoding
Getting a list of your eventListeners so you can trigger it programmatically
Jimmy Chan
3 responses
js, click, eventlistenerlist, addeventlistener
CSS3 Hover Text Slide Effect
Richard Bray
8 responses
css, css3, text, slide
Keep your feature branch up to date.
Dave Griffiths
12 responses
zsh, productivity, git, bash
JavaScript Sort by Two Fields
David Collingwood
1 response
multiple, javascript, sort
Take a photo of yourself every time you commit
Víctor Martínez
29 responses
ruby, osx, git
Simplest way to add zoom/pan on d3.js (version 3 and 4)
Sébastien Gruhier
11 responses
zoom, d3js, javascript, pan
Scroll to page sections with <nav> links
3 responses
js, coffeescript, html5, html
Create an Equalizer for All Audio in Mac OS X
Marcel Bischoff
2 responses
mac os x, audio, sound, equalizer
Running nodejs and express on Windows
David Sergey
4 responses
node, express, expressjs, windows
resign .ipa with new distribution certificate
Jeffrey Jackson
15 responses
xcode, ipad, iphone, ios
How to convert string to integer (PHP & MySQL)
Nicolas KEMPF
2 responses
php, mysql, sql, type conversion
Simple & Pure JavaScript Array.unique method with 5 lines of code
Tamer Shlash
3 responses
prototype, array, unique, javascript
Load Bootstrap tabs dynamically
Michael Born
2 responses
jquery, bootstrap, ajax, javascript
Colorful console.log
Anas Nakawa
3 responses
chrome, firefox, console, logging
AngularJS Access Control and Authentication
Mandingo Brown
23 responses
acl, authentication, routing, routes
How to kill background or suspended shell job?
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
shell, zsh, unix, bash
Getting Current Location with Javascript
Andy Lin
4 responses
geolocation, javascript, current location
Automounting NFS share in OS X into /Volumes
Larry Williamson
21 responses
osx, network, sharing, nfs
Auto-generate get, set, & constructor functions in NetBeans
Stathis Goudoulakis
0 responses
php, netbeans, java
git: Show difference between local and remote branches
Ítalo Lelis de Vietro
1 response
diff, commit, git, files