Popular Programming Tips
Nginx as proxy for Amazon S3
13 responses
nginx, s3
Centered Text And Images In Github Markdown
Nicholas Jordon
1 response
ruby, php, python, css
'Safe' $apply in Angular.JS
Alex Vanston
16 responses
dom, events, javascript, angular.js
Docker Cheat Sheet with examples
3 responses
ARGB colors in android
eranga bandara
0 responses
colors, rgb, android, argb
using gzip in OS X
Pablo Albornoz
0 responses
osx, cli, unix, gzip
Passing objects between activities in android
eranga bandara
5 responses
android, serialization, parcelable
No borders on bootstrap table
George Silva
5 responses
css, bootstrap, table
CSS Background Noise
Nathan Monk
26 responses
css, photoshop, noise
File uploads with jQuery HTML5 and FormData
Vladimir Prudnikov
8 responses
jquery, html5, ajax, javascript
IOS customized activity indicator with Swift
eranga bandara
6 responses
color, ios, uiview, swift
Printing the result of ResultSet
2 responses
jdbc, java, resultset
Move over Bootstrap and Foundation, welcome Semantic UI
Nicholas Jordon
25 responses
php, css, html, open source
Determine OS X version from the command line
Kevin Elliott
1 response
terminal, osx, cli, mac
Multiple SSH keys for different accounts on Github or Gitlab
Mateusz Książek
4 responses
ssh, git, gitlab, github
Python: Creating Your Project Structure
Marko Klemetti
8 responses
python, shell, testing, unit testing
How to send files via cURL in PHP
David North
6 responses
php, curl
Exclude a directory from searching in Sublime Text 2/3
Alex Popov
0 responses
sublime-text, filter, searching
Default parameter value in bash
Dmitry Pashkevich
0 responses
default, scripts, bash, parameters
Git clone a repository and checkout a specified tag
Thierry Le Moulec
0 responses
git, checkout tag
Setup Vim, Powerline and iTerm2 on Mac OS X
Christian Rojas
7 responses
vim, macvim, iterm, powerline
The //* /*/ //*/ comment toggle trick
Alexander Brevig
27 responses
arduino, sql, comments, wiring
Auto-center and auto-zoom a Google Map
Emmanuel Turlay
5 responses
js, googlemaps
Convert a slice or an array to a Vec in Rust
0 responses
rust, slice, rust-lang, vec