Popular Programming Tips
Autoresize text to fit into a div (width & height)
11 responses
css, text, resize, coffeescript
Simple way to find a java process (linux)
Francisco Collao G.
1 response
linux, java
Get a thumbnail from a Vimeo video
Serge K. Keller
0 responses
howto, vimeo, beginner, video
Quickly move and delete Redis keys by pattern
Justin Poliey
6 responses
shell, redis, cli, debugging
Create htpasswd file for nginx (without apache)
Boris Quiroz
2 responses
apache, nginx, htaccess
Converting Milliseconds to HH:MM:SS.mmm
Tom Loudon
1 response
time, javascript, minutes, duration
Raspberry Pi Garage Door Opener with GaragePi
Chase Chou
32 responses
pi, raspberry, garage, door
Using Group By LINQ C#
Samuel Diogo
2 responses
sql, linq, c#
Use PhantomJS to Create PDFs from HTML
Ian Wootten
7 responses
js, phantomjs, javascript
Understanding iostat
1 response
Installing ruby 2.0.0 with RVM
Eric Wendelin
33 responses
ruby, rvm
Simple rules for a sane RESTful API design
Gonçalo Morais
12 responses
rest, api, json, restful
Creating Foreign Key in Laravel Migrations
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laravel, migration, foreign key
Purge deleted hard disks from Virtual Box
4 responses
oracle, virtual box, vm, ubuntu
Setting up ElasticSearch with MongoDB
James West
9 responses
mongodb, elasticsearch
DatePicker with time : TimePicker [jQuery UI]
2 responses
jquery, javascript, ui, datepicker
Simple JSON Array Methods in C#
Mike Olsen
0 responses
json, pretty, c#, encode
From a useless Git Diff to a useful one
Daniel Gomes
11 responses
danielcsgomes, git, git diff
Use HTTP status codes from curl
Mark Allen
0 responses
curl, bash
Open a rails form with Twitter Bootstrap modals
Eduardo Vidal
19 responses
ruby, rails, twitter-bootstrap
Merging Multiple Maps Using Java 8 Streams
Preslav Rachev
0 responses
java, java8, maps, functional
How to read a file into a variable in shell?
tien nguyen
0 responses
bash shell
Use npm start to launch node app
Adam Yanalunas
2 responses
nodejs, json, npm
Tesseract with andoird and gradle
eranga bandara
36 responses
gradle, android, tesseract
Greg Roodt
0 responses
mysql, sql, postgres