Popular Programming Tips
Bullshit Interviewers
Jonathan Block
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Install ruby 2.1.1 with brew and rbenv
Andrei Popa
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GitHub Markdown Cheat Sheet
Sıtkı Bağdat
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markdown, shortcut, cheat sheet, git
Adding comments to JSON
Jaco Groenewald
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php, debug, json, testing
Merging Branches Without Checkout
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merge, git, checkout, fast-forward
How to update your heroku app
Maynard Cabalitan
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rails, heroku
Human readable size on s3cmd
Boris Quiroz
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Notebook Paper CSS
Zach Reed
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css, design
parseInt() can be dangerous
Rico Sta. Cruz
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javascript, parseint
Incremental backups for PostgreSQL
Bartłomiej Danek
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Refactor and Rename a Android Studio Project or App
Rafael Oliveira
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android, refactor, android studio
Automatically adding Git pre-commit linting with Grunt
Tom Loudon
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Laravel Validator: Require fields based on other inputs
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How to enable Vim bindings in a latest IPython/Jupyter
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Stopping maven from trying to access its Central Repository
Hélio Cabral Medeiros
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Learn facts while pulling code changes
Tadas Tamošauskas
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zsh, learning, git, bash
Remote Debugging a Java Application
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debugging, debugger, java, remote debugging
Install rmagick gem on latest imagemagick.
Pavel Pravosud
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ruby, rubygems, imagemagick, rmagick
SSH to many hosts in split panes with iTerm
Matt Ball
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ssh, applescript, iterm2
Inhibit warnings in Cocoapods
Marin Usalj
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ruby, mneorr, ios, cocoapods
Exclude hosts in ssh config
Daniel Puglisi
0 responses
configuration, cli, ssh
Force users to use iPad landscape orientation
Tobias Otte
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css, mobile, ipad, webkit
Quick performance test on JavaScript console
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performance, javascript, performance-testing