Popular Programming Tips
How to create gh-pages branch
4 responses
gh-pages, git, edipotrebol, github
Vundle - no more vim plugins as git submodules
Alexander Tamoykin
1 response
vim, plugin, git, pathogen
Make a painless web API in Ruby
Colin Mattson
2 responses
ruby, rails, rest, api
Replace all occurences of 'Shard' with 'Card' in the git repo
Jussi Kalliokoski
4 responses
sed, sh, replace, productivity
vim: yank lines by marking section
Ryan Regalado
0 responses
vim, mark, lines, yank
Access php variable from external js file
0 responses
php, javascript
Wishing you a multilingual Christmas
Anthony Levings
13 responses
ruby, php, python, perl
JS Inheritance is awesome, and you're doing it wrong
Chris Coniglio
5 responses
javascript, prototypes, inheritance, object.create
[Sublime Text] Wrap multiple lines in tag
Chang Huang
2 responses
Ordering puppet resources with run stages
Jason Ashby
0 responses
puppet, linux, ordering, run stages
Mysql - Load data infile ignore blank lines
0 responses
mysql, data, load
Handy CSS3 tools
Oli Lisher
4 responses
css, css3, code for designers
Aggregate Javadoc in multiproject Gradle builds
Greg Schueler
1 response
gradle, java, javadoc
Vagrant machine for NodeJS and MongoDB
Luiz Fernando de Souza Filho
0 responses
vagrant, javascript, nodejs
Query JSON documents with jq
Jan Ahrens
0 responses
command line, api, curl, json
Consider keeping a work journal
Keith Pinson
4 responses
log, productivity, focus, motivation
Need To Mock ActorRef in Akka?
0 responses
scala, akka
The Web Components Era: User Interfaces as a Service (UIaaS)
Jose Jesus Perez Aguinaga
4 responses
css, javascript, webcomponents
Devise redirect AJAX request when session timed out(timeoutable module)
Mikhail Nikalyukin
1 response
ruby, rails, devise, ajax
Use grunt to create a new build on build.phonegap.com
Martin Naumann
2 responses
mobile, phonegap, grunt, javascript
Nice Guake terminal
Tomasz Ślązok
0 responses
zsh, terminal, guake
Close matching tag with Sublime Text
Haralan Dobrev
6 responses
sublime text, html
WIP+git+oh-my-zsh: improve your branch switching
Chaisse-Leal Maxime
2 responses
shell, zsh, oh-my-zsh, git