Popular Programming Tips
AngularJS Bootstrap Chat / Comment List
Carol Skelly
2 responses
bootstrap, javascript, angularjs
Facebook - how to easy post to wall
0 responses
php, facebook, api, symfony
Converting a Date to a Mongo ObjectId
Abhinav Ajgaonkar
0 responses
mongodb, datetime, java, objectid
Command-line AirPlay video client for AppleTV
Tomohiro TAIRA
3 responses
ruby, shell, rubygems, osx
Python: *args vs. **kwargs
0 responses
ZSH reverse history search with regex.
Petro Verkhogliad
3 responses
zsh, terminal, commandline
express.js vs restify node.js framework.
Mithun Satheesh
3 responses
frameworks, rest api, restful, nodejs
Flatland Theme for Sublime Text 2
Michael Musgrove
2 responses
sublime text, sublime, ide, text
Chrome Extension RequireJS Content Scripts
Jacob Gable
3 responses
requirejs, chrome extension, javascript
CSS hex color validation in Rails
Mike Carter
0 responses
css, rails, hex, validator
Angular template-free tabs directive
Garrett Amini
0 responses
tabs, template, directive, angular
Ruby: automatic get and set methods
Mariz Melo
3 responses
ruby, oop
Dark cornors of Django's auto_now_add
0 responses
django, models, auto_now_add
Strong parameters with has_and_belongs_to_many
Cezar Halmagean
6 responses
rails, strong parameters
Auto-injection of mocks using Mockito with RoboGuice & Robolectric
Mateusz Herych
0 responses
java, roboguice, robolectric, mockito
Maxim Kalina
0 responses
database, spring, i18n, java
Javascript array mutability
Adam Thurlow
0 responses
array, javascript, immutable
Rails 4: Remove Turbolinks in your Rails app
Robbie Marcelo
0 responses
rails, rails4, turbolinks
Erase/delete rect from QImage/QPixmap
Rafael Oliveira
0 responses
qt, pyside
Netcat to Test Connectivity
Rhodri Pugh
3 responses
networking, netcat, ports
Upstart scripts for a Go Web App
Adnaan Badr
2 responses
web, server, golang, upstart
Using twitter-bootstrap-rails with Twitter Bootstrap 3
Jason Torres
2 responses
twitter, bootstrap
Proper LOG_TAG on Android
Gonçalo Silva
4 responses
java, logcat, android