Popular Programming Tips
A URL-shortener in node.js
dennis zhuang
0 responses
redis, expressjs, url-shorten, nodejs
7 Tips for new node.js users
10 responses
nodejs, async, javascript
Use Grunt Uncss to Remove Unused CSS from Your Project!
Phong Huynh
4 responses
css, bootstrap, foundation, grunt
Add SSH key to OS X Keychain
Tom Loudon
0 responses
osx, ssh, keychain
Using Domains With Express
Adam Blackburn
4 responses
nodejs, express, domains, javascript
SSH alias
9 responses
alias, ssh, hostname
phpcomplete-extended: a fast, extensible vim autocomplete plugin for PHP projects
Mun Mun Das
3 responses
php, vim, plugin, autocomplete
Bootstrap toggle buttons
Mattia Larentis
6 responses
css, scss, bootstrap, javascript
Geographic searches within a certain distance
Matthias Mullie
1 response
php, mysql, geography, distance
redirect to canonical host in Rails 4
3 responses
ruby, rails, seo, redirect
Managing RAM and SWAP
Daniel Romero
0 responses
shell, server, hacking, kernel
Chain Rails scopes with OR
Nathan Hopkins
1 response
ruby, rails
Log Memory Usage per second or minute on Linux
Samuel Lampa
3 responses
shell, linux
Ruby each_slice with index
Andrey Garbuz
0 responses
ruby, enumerable, each_slice, with_index
Negative lookbehind regex search (in Sublime Text)
Jason Ormand
0 responses
sublime text, regex, negative lookbehind
Speed up your zsh completions
Adam Stankiewicz
4 responses
shell, zsh, performance
CSS does Math
Jim Greenleaf
5 responses
css, responsive design, css3, front-end
Django admin listview column names
Alex Whittemore
0 responses
django, django admin
Setting Up Vagrant
Josh Teng
2 responses
Javascript Github Social Login Bootstrap Button for OAuth
0 responses
javascript, oauth, github, social login
iOS: Create a secondary status bar for displaying in-app messages
Matt Wielbut
0 responses
mobile, iphone, ios
Three.js Baking
Alain Galvan
0 responses
3d, codepen, threejs, blender
Undoing an accidental commit in a git repository
Christoffer Niska
0 responses
undo, commit, git, reset