Popular Programming Tips
Global git templates (yes, that means hooks)
1 response
config, git
Send multipart/form-data with curl
Sergey Zabolotnov
0 responses
http, curl, multipart
Git diff says all lines changed?
Magnus Dahlstrand
2 responses
diff, utf-8, git, git diff
Rename a method in Ruby
Kostas Karachalios
0 responses
ruby, metaprogramming
Debug HTML/JavaScript on iOS with Safari 5&6
Tommy McGlynn
0 responses
ios, web, html, javascript
Ember Data: Alternative Approach to Polymorphic Associations
Michael Bodnarchuk
3 responses
rails, emberjs, json, javascript
One liner CSS trick for spacing items
9 responses
css, one-liner, silly-but-useful
Session control in CodeIgniter (the flexible way)
Franco Bouly
0 responses
php, codeigniter
Node.js code snippet - dynamically load all javascript in a folder
Sebastian Schepis
0 responses
nodejs, dynamic, javascript
Perl Sets
Jason McVeigh
2 responses
perl set sets intuitive theory union intersection difference
How to call any function as a $filter in AngularJs
David Votrubec
0 responses
angularjs, filter
Detecting 64-bit Windows in node.js
David Zitao Zhang
2 responses
nodejs, javascript, windows
IntelliJ Live Template for org.apache.log4j Logger
0 responses
logging, snippet, intellij, log4j
Getting Rails logs to appear in Foreman output
John McDowall
2 responses
rails, foreman
ActiveRecord empty? vs count
Luis Ezcurdia
6 responses
rails, activerecord, benchmark
OpenMP: improve reduction techniques
Michael Bacci
0 responses
threads, openmp, reduction, parallel programming
Conway's "Game of life" with JS and HTML5 canvas
Matjaz Muhic
2 responses
js, canvas, game of life, html5
Amazon S3 Interface in a C# Unity Monobehavior
Alex Morais
2 responses
rest, s3, web services, aws
Rails 'devise' alternative: Password-less (2FA) & Database-less User Sign-in/Sign-up Using One-Time-Password in 2 Minutes
0 responses
rails, ruby, user management, 2fa
Use Mocha and PhantomJS to automate the testing of web application front-ends
Frank Rousseau
0 responses
web, ci, testing, automate
Damn simple coffeescript watch and compiling with grunt
Sam Saccone
1 response
compile, watcher, grunt, coffeescript
A nice neon effect using CSS and JS
Juan Fernández Sagasti
0 responses
css, js, neon, effects
如何掛載 AWS S3 到 AWS EC2 Instance - 環境安裝部份
5 responses
aws, aws ec2, aws s3
Transparency in background of views in Appcelerator Titanium
Denver Sessink
3 responses
color, backgroundcolor, appcelerator, titanium