Popular Programming Tips
Drupal's db_merge() function does either an UPDATE or an INSERT depending on whether the record exists.
M Parker
0 responses
php, drupal, database, drupal database api
How to bind events for non-instance Backbone view modules.
Will Shown
2 responses
backbone, event, binding, views
Super easy colors in ANY command line
Nicholas Jordon
1 response
php, shell, color, osx
Run a Shell Script from NodeJs
Jake Trent
1 response
jtsnake, javascript, bash, nodejs
create LDAP Aliases in Openldap
Philipp Haußleiter
0 responses
alias, directory, ldap, user
Simple angular and masonry directive without overlapping
Anthony Shabanov
5 responses
angularjs, js, masonry
Kill the Dashboard in OS X Mavericks
Perry Azevedo
3 responses
terminal, os x, tricks, optimization
Using <dl> instead of table for side by side list
Brad Rice
2 responses
css, html, design
Silex Global variables
0 responses
php, silex
How to pause a video/audio when modal windows is closed
Carlos Escobedo
0 responses
jquery, bootstrap, html5, modal
Calculating values in CSS3 with calc()
Almir Filho
0 responses
css, css3
Convert Active Record array to indexed hash
James Huynh
0 responses
ruby, rails, active record
Compile Emacs 24.2 on Raspberry Pi (Rasbian)
Jim Myhrberg
3 responses
emacs, compile, build, raspberry pi
Adding CORS settings to Nginx on AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Vasili Sviridov
0 responses
nginx, aws, cors, elastic beanstalk
jQuery DOM creation tips
Alex Cheuk
13 responses
jquery, javascript
Tune up your PostgreSQL
Bartłomiej Danek
0 responses
performance, postgresql, tune up, database administration
Remote (ajax) multi-select in Rails with Select2
Cyrus Farajpour
0 responses
rails, select2, ajax select, remote select
Dynamic RSpec Tests
Ted Nielsen
1 response
ruby, rails, bdd, unit testing
Quick Tip: Integrating Git, Jenkins & Capistrano for Continous Deploy
Leandro Guida
1 response
ruby, test, capistrano, jenkins
Check for a dirty context in Entity Framework
Alistair Young
0 responses
framework, entity
Fixing contenteditable placeholders with 3 lines of CSS.
Laurent Perrin
0 responses
css, html, placeholder, contenteditable
Installing Wine on Ubuntu 12.10 on 64 bit System
Jason Oakley
3 responses
wine, ubuntu, ubuntu 12.10
Regular expressions for pros
Matthias Mullie
0 responses
php, regex, regular expressions, pcre