Popular Programming Tips
Never Forget to Remove your Debugging Statements with GIT Hooks
Chris Albrecht
2 responses
debug, drupal, hooks, git
Apt Pinning in Debian
David Duggins
0 responses
debian, apt, linux
Javascript Publish/Subscribe Pattern
Michael Turnwall
0 responses
patterns, javascript, observer
Run MongoDB as a Daemon
Rajeev N Bharshetty
0 responses
rails, mongo, database
apiDoc - Part 1 Introduction - RESTful web API Documentation
Peter Rottmann
0 responses
documentation, open source, api, restful
Easily Extend Javascript Prototypes
David Morrow
3 responses
prototype, javascript
Remote POST from WP to HipChat
0 responses
php, curl, wp, hipchat
A faster bundle install
Damian Le Nouaille
1 response
ruby, gem, fast, bundle
Symfony2 unit testing uploaded file.
Alexandr Jeliuc
0 responses
unit testing, symfony2, uploadedfile
Inset Box-Shadow At Images
Tim Hartmann
5 responses
css, sass, workaround, html
OpenSSL Encrypted Tar Backups for UNIX-like's
3 responses
linux, backup, unix, encryption
Replace Dreamweaver with Sublime Text
Dylan Kinnett
3 responses
sublime text, sublime, keyboard shortcuts, gists
NLog.config using NuGET
Sam-Mauris Yong
0 responses
.net, logging, dotnet, package
JAX-RS Mapped Diagnostic Context Filter
Marc Fornós
0 responses
logging, rest, java, jax-rs
Use a Remote Mysql Database With Heroku
Larry Scott
0 responses
mysql, heroku
Faster way to reset database entries
Alif Rachmawadi
2 responses
ruby, rails, activerecord, database
Update property value of immutable object while maintaining immutability
Jeroen Rosenberg
2 responses
scala, case class, mutability
Checking if file is valid when uploading in laravel
1 response
laravel, file, exception, upload
Tail Rails logs production and development
Jayson Mandani
0 responses
rails, log, jsonmanz
Sublime Text 2 – Useful Shortcuts (Mac OS X)
Bob Williams
4 responses
sublime, gist, shortcuts
Ember.js controllerFor() deprecated
Michal Bryxí
0 responses
ember.js, ember
Process in background with command screen and rsync
Fabian Delgado
0 responses
rsync, screen
Git difftool'in like a boss
Peter Mescalchin
0 responses
shell, git, ubuntu