Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· liorkesos

Installing 3rd party and custom Packages in is a great way to jumpstart your MEAN stack javascript skills.
There is a growing number (well it's 3 and yesterday it was 2 :) ) of packages which extend for in place editing of strings, MEAN Stack administration and localization.
This is how you install mean and create your own package...


npm install -g meanio
mean init AppName
cd AppName
npm install

Installing an existing package

mean install mean-admin
mean install mean-tokens

Creating your own package

mean package yourPackageName

Your package will be created under /packages (3rd party packages like mean-admin and mean-tokens mentioned above get created under /node_modules.

To read more go to our blog post about packages in

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great job

over 1 year ago ·