Last Updated: September 27, 2021
· tdebailleul

Sencha Touch 2: Check connection state

Small ST2 util that lets you check the state of the Internet connection and execute function when the state changes.


Ext.define('Ext.util.Connection', {
  singleton: true,

  isOnline: function () {
    return navigator.onLine;

  on: function (state, fn, ctx, params) {
    params = params || [];
    fn = fn || Ext.emptyFn;
    var single = params.single || false;

    function eventListenerFn() {
      fn.apply(ctx, arguments);
      if (single) {
        window.removeEventListener(state, eventListenerFn);

    window.addEventListener(state, eventListenerFn);


Set the path of the file

  'Ext.util.Connection': './app/util/Connection.js'

Also require the file

require: [

How to use ?

Check wether the device has internet access:


Execute function when connection is lost

Ext.util.Connection.on('offline', this.lostConnection, this);

Execute function when connection is regained

Ext.util.Connection.on('online', this.regainedConnection, this);

2 Responses
Add your response

Did you check out Ext.device.Connection.isOnline()?
Doesn't it do the same thing?

over 1 year ago ·

@sluzky It actually does, but the Ext.device.Connection.onlinechange event is not fired on desktop. You can only use this event with native packaging.

over 1 year ago ·