Joined July 2014

eranga bandara


Posted to Tips to be productive as a programmer over 1 year ago

Thanks :) ..

Posted to Tesseract with andoird and gradle over 1 year ago

Did you build the tesseract library with android-ndk ??
Seems like "" (shared library) file can not found on specific library path

Posted to Setting Up Terminator (Terminal ++) over 1 year ago

Further customize the terminal with oh-my-zsh :)

Posted to Customize terminal with oh-my-zsh over 1 year ago

Thanks for your information :)

Posted to Tesseract with andoird and gradle over 1 year ago

TessBaseAPI baseApi = new TessBaseAPI();
baseApi.init(DATA_PATH, LANG);
String recognizedText = baseApi.getUTF8Text();

(It described in the tutorial that I have posted in previous comment)

Posted to Keep your dotfiles in git over 1 year ago

@dpashkevich Thanks :)

Posted to Tesseract with andoird and gradle over 1 year ago

What is the gradle version you have installed?

Posted to Tesseract with andoird and gradle over 1 year ago


Following is a really good tutorial about tesseract android integration.
If you are using gradle to build your android app, you can use the build script that I have posted above(to build tesseract library as an android library project).

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