Popular Agile Programming Tips
Generating Entity-Relationship Diagram for Ruby on Rails
Andy Kifer
5 responses
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Git for Daily Standup
Karsten Silkenbäumer
3 responses
agile, git
The 15-minute Rule
Lewis Nakao
0 responses
agile, teamwork, onboarding
Carlos Júnior
2 responses
agile, git, standup
Alternate pair programming commits using gits
Roy Lines
0 responses
agile, pair programming, pairs, pair
Lose the Feature Branch
Steve Woodruff
0 responses
ci, agile, git, continuous integration
Agile traceability in each git commit with Hooks
Hélio Cabral Medeiros
1 response
git log, hook, agile, git
Setting up Continuous Deployment for node.js applications
0 responses
heroku, nodejs, agile, continuous deployment
The YAGNI Principle
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
principle, programming, agile, team
Reusable Post-Its for your Sprint Retrospective
Daniel Sager
0 responses
agile, scrum, sprint retrospective, post-it
Do Caos ao Objetivo: Como implementamos Scrum em 5 minutos
Mauricio Sganderla
0 responses
agile, projectmanagement, scrum
The DCI Architecture: Lean and Agile at the Code Level
Mario Rezende
0 responses
development, programming, agile, lean
Using Design Thinking to Stop Building Worthless Software
Marcos Ganine
0 responses
agile, design thinking
How to Write Good User Stories
Marko Klemetti
0 responses
agile, xp
(In Portuguese) Engenharia de Software
Hélio Cabral Medeiros
0 responses
slideshare, agile, engenharia de software, metodologias
Gaming The System to Create Smaller Stories
Amos King
0 responses
agile, metrics
Estimating is Never to Help the Team
Amos King
0 responses
agile, estimating, customer management
Writing the story of an API
Adam Lowe
0 responses
agile, story carding, api development
(In Portuguese) Transformando equipes em TIMES com entrega de valor constante ao cliente
Hélio Cabral Medeiros
0 responses
slideshare, agile, scrum, metodos
Simple way to pair up
Alexander Tamoykin
0 responses
ruby, agile, pair programming, git
PHP Nuclear Reactor
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, agile, scrum, kanban
TDC 2012 - Trilha Agile
Suelen Goularte Carvalho
0 responses
tdc, the developer, agile
Let me finish, listening and credibility
Adam Lowe
0 responses
agile, consulting, software development