Trending Programming Tips
Vertical align any element using jQuery
Pascal Gerritsen
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Bootstrap 3 menus with WordPress menu manager
Edward McIntyre
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DRY up your Gruntfile
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grunt, javascript, gruntfile
SQL to Change WordPress Domain URL
Matthew Hauth
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Validation is (mostly) dead.
Nir Gavish
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be nice to your CI
Benjamin Knofe
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ruby, rails, test, ci
Add a root URL to all Backbone API request
Mark Wales
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Mac OS X Terminal - Command Line Tip
Rishav Rastogi
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terminal, mac os x
Respond to ajax call with json message and status code (CakePHP)
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Animated Page Transitions in Rails 4 Apps
Justin Workman
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Read Excel File in C#
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excel, c#, interop
Using Backbone with RequireJS
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Use SublimeGit for quick frequent commits
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Pretty git log with graph
Mike Street
1 response
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SSH: Simple CLI function to add keys to server.
Jon Lunsford
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Automatically login to a development environment with RequireJS
Mark Wales
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Convert `arguments` into an Array
Victor Quinn
1 response
arguments, javascript, nodejs
Installing command-line tools in OSX 10.9
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ZSH / .oh-my-zsh My top tips for daily use
Mark Tooth
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Keep your Heroku apps awake with KeepAwake
Robert Pearce
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ruby, rails, heroku, nodejs
The Capybara and the JavaScript Datepicker
Tim Segraves
0 responses
ruby, javascript, capybara
Using LogLevel for environment specific logging
Mark Wales
0 responses
javascript, configuration, logging, amd
Avoid Enums Where You Only Need Ints
Gautam Basubramanian
0 responses
android, protip, java, enums
Running Gitlab 6.8 on Rubinius 2
Federico Ravasio
0 responses
ruby, rubinius, gitlab