Trending Programming Tips
Fork and patch npm moduels hosted on GitHub
Ivan Erceg
1 response
npm, module, package.json, fork
Setup Vim, Powerline and iTerm2 on Mac OS X
Christian Rojas
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Fix 'Monodevelop doesn't recognize Unity solution' problem
Troy Shields
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gaming, unity3d, monodevelop
Drop the first . in to browse static HTML/CSS/JS files
Steve Jansen
1 response
css, js, html, github
Querying the dd command
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A better BDD/TDD
Xavier Via
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How to setup your Mac to build Single Page Applications with AngularJS and Neo4J
Francesco Gallarotti
2 responses
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Make a directory writable by Apache in Mac OS X Maverick
Julien Charette
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tmux always reattach
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golang: having fun with os.Stdin and shell pipes
Tarcísio Gruppi
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Escape $ for jQuery snippets in Sublime Text
Kory Tegman
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Tracking page views with Google Analytics and Backbone
Sam Saccone
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setup docker client in mac
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Fix poor font-rendering in Chrome on Windows
Mike King
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Perfectly Center Inside Entire Page with jQuery
Phong Huynh
2 responses
jquery, css, html, javascript
Near-Realtime Analytics w/ MongoDB, Node.js & SmoothieCharts
Tobias Trelle
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node, mongodb, javascript, nosql
Using UIScrollView and UIPageControl in RubyMotion
Jaryl Sim
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ios, uiscrollview, uipagecontrol, rubymotion
Make Heroku run a non-master branch
Jordan Trevino
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heroku, git
Open git changed files with 1 command
Arthur Nogueira Neves
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emacs, git, sheel
Want Responsive Tables? Quit Using Tables
Levent Gurses
4 responses
css, responsive design, tables, bootstrap
Twitter4j: Adapt to latest twitter SSL/TLS traffic restrictions
Filipe Leandro
1 response
android, twitter, java, twitter4j
Vote: Saving Protips
Nicholas Jordon
2 responses
php, shell, mysql, css
C# LINQ List Element Comparison
Teddy Garland
0 responses
linq, c#, ienumerable