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Flume 1.4.0 CDH Installation
Vidyasagar Gudapati
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Hive CDH 4.4.0 Installation
Vidyasagar Gudapati
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HBase CDH4.4.0 tarball Installation
Vidyasagar Gudapati
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Sqoop CDH 4.4.0 Installation
Vidyasagar Gudapati
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Pig CDH4.4.0 Installation
Vidyasagar Gudapati
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Create a GitHub repo from the command line
Lance Pollard
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Faster Git Clones
Max Howell
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.gitignore for dolphin users
Павел Калашников
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Generating Entity-Relationship Diagram for Ruby on Rails
Andy Kifer
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Ionic - the bond between HTML5 and Native mobile Apps
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Rendering MVC View in PDF
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Iterm 2 - go back one word - minitip
Mark Tooth
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Use UUID keys in Active Record
Doug Puchalski
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Patch committing in git
Venkata Subramanian Mahalingam
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Git rebase around a merge
Andrew Walker
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Gzip Compression with NodeJS – zlib.gzip()
Christian Bundy
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Effective Plain Javascript Selector
Widy Graycloud
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jQuery DOM creation tips
Alex Cheuk
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