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Sublime Text snippets for Ruby on Rails 3
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Auto-format key binding in Sublime Text 2
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Pretty print JSON from command line with NodeJS
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Remove Open With... Duplicates : Mac
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Python: Creating Your Project Structure
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Debugging BASH scripts
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PX to EM Conversion in Sass/Compass
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h1 heading in AsciiDoc documents on GitHub
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Modernizr-like Flash plugin detection
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last element of an array
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Push current branch to Heroku
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when loading JSON
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How to show content based on urls via JavaScript/jQuery
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Make string url ready
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Web devs can use Make too!
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Swipe.js - lightweight replacement for iScroll
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Use rulers in Sublime Text 2 to conform to coding standards
Joshua Clanton
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Sublime Text - See line changes in gutter
JD Isaacks
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CSS Masonry IE7+
Cory Simmons
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css, masonry