Last Updated: September 09, 2019
· tadas_t

Sublime Text snippets for Ruby on Rails 3

The default Rails snippets that come with Sublime Text 2 are outdated. It's actually nearly useless for projects running the recent versions of ruby and rails. Therefore I've created a fork of Rails snippets which aims to make it useful for developers working with ruby1.9 and Rails 3.

So far, the most important changes are ruby1.9 hash syntax, Rails3 HAML compatibility for form elements' autocompletion and routes. Take a look at all available autocomplete options.

The snippet is available via Package Control, but I do recommend to install it manually by replacing the default Rails snippets folder, because some other packages have hardcoded paths to Packages/Rails. Follow the installation instructions.

I would like to encourage you to submit pull requests. Writing snippets is very easy and even beginners can contribute. Let's make Rails on Sublime fly again!

3 Responses
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These are great! Thanks for sharing!

over 1 year ago ·

"validates" is missing?

over 1 year ago ·

Thanks for sharing - very helpful!

over 1 year ago ·