Trending Programming Tips
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Instantiate a view controller using a storyboard identifier in Xcode (iOS)
Anthony Levings
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How to get a UIScrollView scrolling and paging (Xcode for iOS)
Anthony Levings
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rand() Destroys Parallelism
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Debug Phonegap
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Ruby on Rails Flash messages with Bootstrap
James Brooks
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End of the world countdown
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Name tabs in
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Testing a Ruby Singleton
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Requirejs and external scripts
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Simple Scale with Slider
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one line to camelize underscore in Ruby
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Add your js and css files to a Prestashop theme
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Avoiding nested asynchronous calls in JS
Ignacio Chavez
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Using a custom grunt task to start a node server, and watch
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Open all conflicted merge files with Git
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merge, vim, git, conflict
Truncate text to lines, not number of characters
Tu Hoang
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javascript, trunk8, jquery
Erlang List Comprehension Gotcha
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Stash only certain files
François Benaiteau
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Open Source to Github, Work Projects to BitBucket, All from Github for Windows
Cory Simmons
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960 Grid System
Valentin Beuret
2 responses
css, web, photoshop