Trending Programming Tips
ClojureScript browser REPL
Pierre Larochelle
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Flatland Theme for Sublime Text 2
Michael Musgrove
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Ember Views For Dummies
Wojtek Ryrych
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ember.js, handlebars
Jasmine - run a selected set of tests
Tiago Duarte
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testing, javascript, e2e, scenarios
Web production tools
Lance Johnson
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css, sass, html5, web production
Using colors in git terminal
Dan Jesus
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Testing Anonymous Controllers with RSpec
Ezequiel Delpero
1 response
rails, devise, rspec
Git - Deleting remote branch
Nícolas Lazarte Kaqui
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git, github
Private Cocoapods
Jeffrey Jackson
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1 response
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Reverse SSH Tunnels - SSHing to a computer behind a closed network / firewall
Udi M.
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ssh, sysadmin, servers
Publicize your Coderwall Badges
Matt Heath
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Vagrant + VirtualBox + Ubuntu = no internet access?
Ignas Butėnas
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virtualbox, network, vagrant, linux
Read git commit logs with style.
Alexandru G.
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php, git
Getting Pjax to work
Allan Kent
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rails, pjax
Technologies you would know
Juan Carlos Cancela
3 responses
.net, development, mongodb, hadoop
Don't be a jerk, organize your code.
Nicholas Jordon
9 responses
jquery, ruby, php, python
Easy access to HTML tags from Chrome's JS Console
Jon Abrams
1 response
chrome, javascript
Multi-line Git commit message from CLI
1 response
shell, cli, commit, git
Easy double buffering on HTML5 canvas
Martin Naumann
2 responses
canvas, html5, martin-n, double buffering
Use "Paste & Indent" for ⌘V in Sublime Text
Chris Jones
0 responses
Use PHP with your Yeoman dev server
Jedidiah Hurt
15 responses
php, nodejs, yeoman, livereload
Using parseInt without radix
Eli Perelman
0 responses
ecmascript, javascript