Trending Programming Tips
Rbnv rehash and bundle at the same time
David Kormushoff
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Versioning your Sublime Text configuration
Filipe Kiss
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Dimensional Data with Compass / SASS
Michael Meder
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Sails.js - REST API in few keystrokes*
Gregor Elke
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mvc, nodejs, rest, javascript
Weave your functions
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node, js, javascript, monad
Perfect Workflow in Sublime Text 2
Osvaldo Zonetti
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sublime text, sublime, course
Advanced quick file navigation in Sublime Text 2
Todd Wolfson
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Vim tab switching, Firefox style
Nathan Long
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vim, vimrc
Target IE with javascript
Brad Rice
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How to avoid Play Framework (1.2.x) killing performance
Ricki Sickenger
1 response
play framework, java
Tailable cursors in MongoDB
Richard Lyon
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node, mongodb, mongo, nodejs
Prototyping for Bootstrap
Cristiano Diniz da Silva
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css, html, bootstrap, design
Set/get OSX volume/mute from the command line
Nicholas Robinson-Wall
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shell, osx, command line, scripting
Serving Django and Twisted using HAproxy
Silvan Spross
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Backbone.js: Keeping track of the element you insert into the DOM at render time
Eric Anderson
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javascript, backbonejs
Nginx direct file upload
60 responses
nginx, file upload
css inline-block ie7 hack
Chungsub Kim
4 responses
css, ie7, inline-block
Columnize your post using shortcode
Etienne Tremel
0 responses
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Remove spinners from input
Suman Paul
0 responses
css, css3, webkit, html5
Using the camera of your phone/tablet without phonegap
Oscar Villarreal
3 responses
css, ipad, iphone, file
alias beer="bundle exec rake"
Steven Normore
1 response
ruby, bundle, beer