Trending Programming Tips
CDPATH - cd to your project directory from anywhere
Gregory Pakosz
2 responses
shell, zsh, sh, bash
Many editors, many developers, one convention.
Alif Rachmawadi
3 responses
emacs, vim, sublimetext, textmate
Drag and Drop UI for Twitter Bootstrap
Michael Musgrove
4 responses
ui, bootstrap, design, twitter bootstrap
Forward port from active ssh connection
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
shell, ssh, unix
Wordpress Featured Image to Post Attachment to Default Thumbnail Fallback
Mark Louie Espedido
6 responses
image, featured, thumbnail, wp
[CSS] Elastic object
Kasper Mikiewicz
0 responses
css, resonsive
Node.js - PaaS everywhere!
Igor Ramadas
6 responses
heroku, nodejs, cloud, openshift
Remove all gems
Damian Tommasino
3 responses
ruby, rails, linux
grep -nr <x> <folder>
Marc Kuo
1 response
shell, sublime text, linux, ide
Vertically displaying columns in MySQL query
1 response
mysql, command line
Ruby implicit coercion
Luca Guidi
3 responses
ruby, oop
Rails Beginner Cheat Sheet
Tobias Pfeiffer
1 response
ruby, rails, beginner, cheat sheet
XCode: View TODO, FIXME, Custom Tags as warning
Ankit Shah
1 response
xcode, todo, ios, fixme
Pinky and The Brain and REST
Hani Sharabash
0 responses
rails, rest
2-page view in Google Docs
4 responses
hack, usability, bookmarklet, google-docs
Jacob Vidal
2 responses
sql, databases
Slides - Survive JavaScript
Juho Vepsäläinen
0 responses
web, programming, js, architecture
Creating a 100mb file with dd
Oscar Del Ben
1 response
shell, unix, dd
Chrome : goto line number from page view source
praveen vijayan
3 responses
chrome, console, javascript, view source
Read the jQuery source like a book
Ahmed Ezzeldin
0 responses
jquery, javascript