Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· twolfson

Advanced quick file navigation in Sublime Text 2

If you are an everyday Sublime Text 2 user, you should be familiar with Jump to file. In addition to the normal "type and open file", you can jump to a specific definition or line number of the new file in the same box.

You do this by typing @ or : once you have found and scrolled down the file you want to open. This switches contexts to the Go to defnition and Go to line respectively.

For example, I am working on Spritesmith and want to open src/smith.js. I type Ctrl+P (Windows/Linux) or Command+P (Mac) to open the Jump to file prompt and type in smit.

Normal file navigation

From here, I can jump to a definition by typing @ and the definition I want to go to (e.g. @grab for grabImages).

File navigation to definition

I can also jump to a line by typing : and the line I want to go to (e.g. :42 for line 42).

File navigation to line