Trending Programming Tips
show TCP network traffic [unix]
Matthew Riddle
3 responses
unix, network, bash
Regex Tester - Alfred Workflow
Samuel Flores
0 responses
regex, alfred workflow
Never set SUID bit on shell scripts
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
shell, zsh, unix, bash
Load CSS whenever required
1 response
css, jquery, javascript, require
Displaying formtastic styled errors for ckeditor in ruby on rails application
Ireneusz Skrobiś
0 responses
rails, ckeditor, formtastic
Git commit message & Redmine
Marco Vito Moscaritolo
2 responses
commit message, git hook, git, redmine
Css :empty selector
Sampsa Kuronen
0 responses
css, empty
Automatically resize textareas as content grows
Stefano B.
0 responses
ui, html, jquery, quickwin
Git bisect to find a bug
Alex Soto
2 responses
open source, bugs, git, git bisect
Use reflection on yourself
Alexander Brevig
1 response
Easily check directories sizes
Rodrigo Flores
2 responses
command line, unix
Working with huge databases
Jevin Sewaruth
3 responses
shell, mysql
Append HTML with Enlive
Rhodri Pugh
0 responses
clojure, clojurescript, hiccup, enlive
Process Information (Rails app)
David Paluy
0 responses
rails, process, admin
Drop the Helvetica & Arial in your font-family stack..!
Mike Ballan
3 responses
css, typography
What has changed since the last deploy of a Rails app?
Marcin Kulik
0 responses
rails, git, capistrano
optimize Legibility
0 responses
css, font
Vim Splits
Matthew Phillips
0 responses
Unix : Create and go to directory shortcut
Mariz Melo
0 responses
shell, linux, unix
Clean JSON Preview
Brandon Hansen
0 responses
python, api, json
Make life faster - one letter aliases
Łukasz Niemier
2 responses
shell, aliases, git, life hack
Measure App Response Time with Apache
Chris Henry
0 responses
php, linux, performance, apache
5 Steps to speed up your PHP pages
Mathew Paret
2 responses
php, speed