Trending Programming Tips
Git Branch Graph
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Installing Yeoman and Creating a New Webapp
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JavaScript in v8 at macOS terminal
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Designing in the Browser (Tools)
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My most reused jQuery function
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RESTful API framework
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Socket.IO : Managing single-user-multi-connections
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Rails development server on port 80
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MySQL: Using IF in a WHERE clause
Alex Cristea
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How to use Nodemon on
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Fast directory access in your command line.
Jelle Vandebeeck
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Change tab color in Sublime Text 2
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Cleaning up meteor.js template related code
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Blur directive in AngularJS
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Set a custom motivational message as your alarm
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Rename a method in Ruby
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Update your font-size to REM units
Elad Shechter
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Screw @mixin, use @extend!
Håkon Ellingsen
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css, sass, html
Getting e2e testing working in Angular.js
Bayard Randel
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DatePicker with time : TimePicker [jQuery UI]
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jquery, javascript, ui, datepicker
Using Angular.js and Uglify in Rails?
Łukasz Niemier
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rails, dependencies, magic, javascript