Trending Programming Tips
Take a picture of you and upload it to tumblr via post-commit
Martin Tschischauskas
4 responses
git, selfshooting, gitshots, imagesnap
TIP: How to Play a Sound Whenever You Commit to Git
David Hilowitz
6 responses
mac, audio, git
Math and Int/Float in Python
Nathan Lucas
1 response
python, math, float, int
Convert will_paginate output to Bootstrap markup
David Morrow
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jquery, ruby, rails, pagination
[PHP] String Length, The Right Way
Samer Moustafa
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php, string, sequence, length
HTTPRequester in ST2
Eugen Pirogoff
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http, request, sublimetext 2
Complete NPM integration for Meteor
Arunoda Susiripala
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npm, meteor
Introduction to regular expressions
Matthias Mullie
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php, regex, regular expressions, pcre
Forward Port 80 to Port 3000
Tim Morgan
1 response
shell, rails, iptables
Get unique values from a collection in Meteor
Jonathan Pidgeon
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underscore, meteor, javascript
TIP: $0 will save your debugging time
Alexander Kneller
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chrome, debugging, js, devtools
Using fpm to convert a python package to an rpm
Jason Ashby
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python, puppet, rpm, fpm
Delete ALL your installed gems
Ismael Abreu
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ruby, gems
Proper LOG_TAG on Android
Gonçalo Silva
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java, logcat, android
Turnip Rake Task
Ryland Herrick
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rake, turnip, rspec, task
Android: Check Network Available
Ankit Shah
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Displaying comma separated values using CSS
Anandha Krishnan
4 responses
css, html, comma
Node.js - How to load modules recursively from directory
Mateusz Gachowski
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nodejs, node, modules, recursive
ng Functional only controller
Chris Boden
1 response
Show directory and git branch in iTerm tabs
Martin Svalin
4 responses
iterm, git, bash
Write browser extensions
Brian Noah
0 responses
chrome, firefox, safari, browser extension
Symfony2 deployment parameter diff
1 response
deployment, git, symfony2
Fallback SVG to PNG in img element
Thomas Bekaert
4 responses
images, svg, modernizr, javascript