Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· cboden

ng Functional only controller

Recently I was writing an AngularJS logout controller. This controller was to only do one thing: change the state and redirect the user to /. The trouble was it was not being executed. As it turned out Angular requires some kind a template or templateURL for all routes. The solution was to set a template of a space:

angular.module('myapp.logout', [])

.config(function($routeProvider) {
    .when('/logout', {
        template: ' ', // <-- this is the important part
        controller: 'LogoutCtrl'

.controller('LogoutCtrl', function($location) {
    // do logout stuff


Written by Chris Boden

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You could also check out
It supports multiple views in one state and uses states instead of routes so your goal of not needing a template could be accomplished :)

over 1 year ago ·