Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· bjoshuanoah

Write browser extensions

If you don't like how a website or web app works, and you can visualize a quick fix that will make your experience better, write an extension.

This can be for anything from expanding images on hover, to making a smaller section fit the whole window to improve your experience, or even tying gmail chat to a translation api like Babble.

First check to see if someone else has had the same issue you are having, and has written their own, and if you can't find one, write it yourself!

Safari is the easiest to write an extension for. All that is needed is to select a few files in the extension maker, and you're up and running. Unfortunately from there, you're sort of on your own. The safari extension section is just bad.

Chrome is easy enough, a manifest file with files to load(css, js) and pages affected. The chrome web store is the best. a $5 developer fee is required to become a developer, and then you can post up to 20 extensions

Firefox is just a pain. it's a pain to develop, it's at least 30 days wait to even get the extension approved. Plus there are little things along the way, like you can't include a minified version of jQuery. I've just given up in general on developing for Firefox.