Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· rylnd

Turnip Rake Task

Wouldn't it be nice if, when using the excellent turnip gem, rake ran both your unit tests and your acceptance tests, just like your old cucumber setup?

First, let's define a task for running our acceptance tests. I threw it into lib/tasks/turnip.rake:

desc 'Run turnip acceptance tests' do |t|
  t.pattern = './spec{,/*/**}/*.feature'
  t.rspec_opts = ['-r turnip/rspec']

Assuming you've got the rspec-rails gem, you should already have a default task named spec that runs your unit tests. Now all we need is to add our new task to that default task:

task :default => [:turnip]

Note that this will not override the default task, it will only append this new dependency. For clarity, though, you might want to change it to say:

task :default => [:spec, :turnip]

Rake is clever enough to know to run the spec task only once. Enjoy!

2 Responses
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This sounds interesting, but I'd like to have a spec:turnip task, so I have done the following:

namespace :spec do
  desc 'Run turnip acceptance tests' :turnip do |t|
    t.pattern = './spec{,/*/**}/*.feature'
    t.rspec_opts = ['-r turnip/rspec']

But now, how can I automatically let it be run when I do rake spec?

over 1 year ago ·

@jmuheim, you can add dependencies to a task by 'redefining' that task with new dependencies:

task :spec => 'spec:turnip'
over 1 year ago ·