Trending Programming Tips
Want to reset iOS simulator from your terminal?
Thais Camilo
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terminal, ios simulator, rubymotion
Local PHP Development Server like Node.js on OSX
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php, local, draft
Remove blinking cursor
Tim Hartmann
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css, forms, scss, input
RGB to UIColor
Htain Lin Shwe
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uicolor, ios
Laravel 4 Eloquent ORM Relationships
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php, laravel, eloquent, relationships
Brother scanner + linux (ubuntu server).
Rafał Malinowski
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shell, brother, scanner
AWK to explore your access log files
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linux, logs, awk, apache2
Create a quick SMTP debug server
Hatem Nassrat
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python, smtp
pro prank: make the terminal slow over time
Nimrod Gutman
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mac, linux, bash, slow
Sublime text shortcut to wrap text into an HTML tag
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sublime text, shortcut
How to generate a CSR and install an SSL certificate from command line
Tim Fernihough
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web, command line, unix, apache
Monitoring command output
Matthew Riddle
1 response
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Add your geolocation to Git every time you commit
Jose Jesus Perez Aguinaga
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javascript, chromeapps
Why assertions are so powerful
Alexander Gessler
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python, java, c, c#
Optimize .jpg and .png w/Grunt
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grunt, image-min, grunt-contrib-imagemin, image-optimizations
Reusable SCSS helper
Tim Pietrusky
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Resume - think outside the box
Sean Yang
7 responses
jquery, css, shopify, javascript
AngularJS: Scroll Animations
Jose Jesus Perez Aguinaga
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angularjs, animations, javascript
HowTo: Generate Instagram access_token for API use
Craig Heneveld
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api, instagram, access_token, instagram api
Multiple and nested sub-view in Laravel 4
0 responses
php, laravel