The underappreciated H, M, and L motions (top, middle, bottom of window)
Long story short, [count]H, M, and [count]L will move the cursor to the top, middle, or bottom of your window with scrolling the content. If you put in a count, it will move you count many lines from the top or bottom.
Its less well known than motions like %, *, gg, G, etc but I've always found myself awkwardly trying to move to the window edge since that's how my brain most quickly perceives location in code. Since I saw these, I've been using them a lot.
Written by Max Cantor
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2 Responses

I had previously rebound H/L to move to front of line and end of line respectively, then realized when I was on a coworkers machine, that the native behavior was obviously still in place (which is more useful in place of the dread [n]j / [n]k, or worse, repeated j/k).
Thanks for the explanation of these motions.
I don't really use these all that much. I'm curious, what are your reasons for using these rather than zt z. and zb or <c-u>, <c-d>?