Trending Programming Tips
Be lazy when testing Stripe webhooks
Colin Mattson
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Rails Destroy
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Regex-less JSONP callback validation via LINQ magic
Mike Olsen
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Git Branching Quick Reference
Jason Seney
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Show last command's status in bash prompt
Łukasz Korecki
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automate SSH configs with python
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A quick hack to set the timezone for a Vagrant VM in Ubuntu
Gavin M. Roy
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vagrant, timezone
One line JavaScript IDE in browser
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javascript, browser, editor
Avoid Syncing wp-content/uploads
Franklin Strube
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My workspace
Marcin Naglik
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Tail/head by screenfuls in zsh
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ITerm2: Jump to Location in Sublime Text 2/3
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sublimetext, iterm2
Checkout a specific file from another branch
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Simple Responsive Grid With SCSS
Tim Hartmann
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Use pager only when necessary
Thomas Duplomb
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git, pager
Install Intent plugin in Phonegap 3.0
Florin Cosmin
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phonegap, java, javascript, package.
Storing password in keychain the smart way
Philippe Converset
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Resize your images
Lucas Rinaldi
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GitHub Markdown Cheat Sheet
Sıtkı Bağdat
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markdown, shortcut, cheat sheet, git