Trending Programming Tips
Draggable element selections (like WhenIsGood)
Charles Julian Knight
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Fast Parallel downloads in Golang with Accept-Ranges and Goroutines
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Build todo list with angular and DRF
Connor Leech
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Fun with Javascript! Beginners Undefined Values.
Jeremy Stover
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Form Validation in JavaScript
Rajesh Kumar
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javascript, form validation in javascript
Want to learn new Javascript libraries quickly?
Jeremy Stover
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Use $resource instead of $http for API calls in AngularJS
Jeremy Stover
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Connect EC2 with Local Server through VPN
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Take two or more mutable slices from a vector in Rust
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Opening Chrome with CORS
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Load 3rd party js asynchronously, initialize queue, replace queue
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ag vs. ack – performance booster for programmers
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Bootstrap Progress bar with a heartbeat
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css, css3, bootstrap, progressbar
Add to Chrome
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console, browser, javascript
"Oops, I pushed a commit with something sensitive to a public GitHub project!"
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Layout Change Animations (Sliding Height)
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google, android, animations, 5.0
Clean Up the Disk Space of your Ubuntu
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Placeholder images
Jens Hausherr
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images, lorem ipsum, placeholder, web development
The Easiest Way To Bind VB.NET Calendar with DataBase (Web Forms)
Viktoria Langer
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·,, scheduler, calendar
Implementing Glyph Icons with Angular
Kali Kiger
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css, icons, angular
onEmpty: A Cool Filter to Display Messages when Data Fields are Empty
Kali Kiger
0 responses
unit test, html, filtering, angular.js
Secure Tokens From Rails 5 to Rails 4.x and 3.x
Roberto Miranda
2 responses
ruby, rails, gem, backport
Generate SSH keys with Ansible
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devops, ansible
Dead simple pastbin service for programmers, pipe terminal commands, use files, images etc
Victor Bjelkholm
0 responses
shell, zsh, terminal, curl