UI Engineer
Joined November 2012
Load 3rd party js asynchronously, initialize queue, replace queue
Eddy Hernandez
0 responses
js, async, javascript, thirdparty
Run mongodb more securely and w/ small file sizes on startup (osx)
Eddy Hernandez
0 responses
osx, mac, development, mongodb
106 Karma
3,073 Total ProTip Views

24PullRequests Participant
Sent at least one pull request during the first 24 days of December 2014

Honey Badger
Have at least one original Node.js-specific repo

24PullRequests Participant
Sent at least one pull request during the first 24 days of December 2013

Have at least one original repo where Ruby is the dominant language

KO Contender
Participated in 2012 Node Knockout

Fork and commit to someone's open source project in need