Didn't know about python -mjson.tool
. Very cool, already created a function to combo with with curl :)
What you need is z. https://github.com/rupa/z it remembers your most visited dirs and has a fuzzy matcher. Works very well
You can also copy anything using pipes:
$ cat file | grep something | pbcopy
$ echo $ENV_VAR | pbcopy
Hey, we also had an unused TV and wrote open_nut
. It's Client Side only, dead simple and customizable. Give it a try and let us know what you think ;)
cmd + shift + c
for those who don't like right-clicking
I've noticed a problem with SnipCheat, it doesn't seem to escape HTML in descriptions. Here's an issue on GitHub if anyone wants to contribute https://github.com/tadast/snipcheat/issues/1
I had this problem many times, so I just added an alias for that:
git push production master && heroku run rake db:migrate && heroku restart
Also, if ruby-debug is in the Gemfile already, you can add
require debugger
in the specfile and debugger
where you want the code execution to beak. I find it faster when already running without a -d
flag. Works for everything, not just RSpec.
How do you run the tests? They shouldn't be modifying the db scheme, just the records. If they are, for any reason, maybe several processes are using the same database i.e. dev and test environments use the same db, cucumber and rspec use the same db etc.
This is also useful for rake/thor tasks that are changing the database e.g. loading a dump
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Mongoose 3


I recommend trying out pry, it has
commands for this and more. Of course, this one is still useful to know where pry is not available :)