Popular Solr Programming Tips
Haystack's Simple Engine doesn't like related fields.
Alex Hart
1 response
django, solr, search, haystack
Adding a search engine in your project.
Fernando Mora
0 responses
search, lucene, elasticsearch, index
RUN NODE JS Directly INSIDE the JavaVM
Frank Lemanschik
0 responses
solr, js, vert.x, jvm
Clinton Gormley
0 responses
solr, search, lucene, nosql
Apache solr contrib and dist path
0 responses
solr, java
Running a single instance of solr with multiple rails applications
Julio Betta
0 responses
ruby, rails, solr, search
Benchmark Solr with a query log in Solrmeter
Artem Lukanin
0 responses
solr, benchmark, solrmeter, query log
HBase/solr indexing
0 responses
solr, hbase, solrcloud, cloudera
Getting Sunspot Solr group searches to work with Active Model Serializers
Mark Hazlett
0 responses
ruby, rails, solr, sunspot
Sunspot, Solr and Rails 3
Chard Gonzales
0 responses
rails 3, solr, sunspot
Converting git commit history to a solr full text index
Gary Sieling
0 responses
java, git, solr
Displaying all 15 tips
Recent Activity
Running a single instance of solr with multiple rails applications
Julio Betta
ruby, rails, solr, search
RUN NODE JS Directly INSIDE the JavaVM
Frank Lemanschik
solr, js, vert.x, jvm
Adding a search engine in your project.
Fernando Mora
search, lucene, elasticsearch, index
HBase/solr indexing
solr, hbase, solrcloud, cloudera
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