Popular Xcode Programming Tips
Check if my iOS App is running under the debugger
Sergi Gracia
0 responses
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Xcode breakpoints can be shared
Sergei Cherepanov
0 responses
xcode, objective-c
How to add static SimpleAudio cocos2d engine to your ARC project
Alex Hajdu
1 response
ios, xcode, cocoa touch, cocos2d
Vim Commands within Xcode - Plugin
Eric Raio
0 responses
cocoa, xcode, cocoa touch, objective-c
Check if APNS are enabled in your App
1 response
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Sync Xcode code snippets using Dropbox
Zoreslav Khimich
2 responses
xcode, dropbox, snippets
Create a scrolling background pattern for UITableView
Christopher Matsumoto
1 response
xcode, objective-c, ios
warning: iPhone/iPod Touch: application executable is missing a required architecture
James Womack
0 responses
xcode, ipad, iphone, ipod touch
How to make gentle shaking gesture
Alex Hajdu
0 responses
xcode, ipad, iphone, cocoa touch
How to unit test blocks in Obj-C
Raphael Oliveira
2 responses
xcode, unit-test, blocks, objective-c
Get current device orientation
Sergi Gracia
0 responses
xcode, ipad, iphone, orientation
Add iOS Simulator to Dock After Xcode Update
Patrick Coffey
0 responses
xcode, osx, ios simulator
Xcode armv7 warning
Giovanni Lodi
3 responses
xcode, app store, engineergio, warnings
Adding a filter to an image in Xcode: CIImage and CIFilter in iOS
Anthony Levings
0 responses
xcode, ios6, ios5, cifilter
Change simulated metrics in Xcode
Lukas Welte
0 responses
ios, xcode, metrics, interface builder
Brian Gesiak
0 responses
ios, xcode, objective-c, rubymotion
Emoticonizer: replace :) with Emoji
Lars Schwegmann
0 responses
ios, xcode, ipad, iphone
How to retrieve Carrier information ?
Vincent Saluzzo
1 response
xcode, snippet, coretelephony, ios
How to open NSUserDefaults preferences stored in plist files
Ernesto Mendoza Blanco
0 responses
ios, xcode, plist, bash
Create a SHA-1 method in Objective-C
Vincent Saluzzo
0 responses
xcode, osx, ios, objective-c
Naming iOS Assets in Universal Apps
Sam Green
2 responses
xcode, ipad, iphone, objective-c
Always set Exception Breakpoint
Sergei Cherepanov
1 response
xcode, useful habits, objective-c
Using non-ARC Classes with ARC Projects
Lars Schwegmann
0 responses
xcode, ipad, iphone, objective-c
Appledoc Xcode target
Arnaud Coomans
0 responses
documentation, xcode