Popular Xcode Programming Tips
How to use SLRequest to make request on social network ?
Vincent Saluzzo
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How to easily rotate UIImageView 360°
Alex Hajdu
1 response
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Simulate different Connection speeds
Luis Nell
1 response
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.gitignore Template for Xcode
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Useful Macros for iOS Project
Alessandro Maroldi
1 response
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Exporting Syntax Highlighted Objective-C as HTML
Max Howell
1 response
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Add iOS Simulator to Launchpad
Kraig Walker
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RubyMotion & Interface Builder
Ray Hightower
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Android toast notifications on iOS
Alejandro Rupérez
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ios, xcode, objective-c
Safari Extension to easily share a ProTip from Safari on Coderwall
Vincent Saluzzo
0 responses
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Helpful Macros For Xcode Projects
Abizer Nasir
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So, if you faced any problems with custom fonts in iOS...
Yury Nechaev
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Productivity: Shortcuts Cheat Sheet
Peter Peterson
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My typical dev env - checklist
Robert Pataki
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ShinobiControls w/ Cocoapods
Jeffrey Jackson
2 responses
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Xcode tip – use alt key for selecting code
Paul Ledger
1 response
ios, xcode, objective-c
UserInterfaceState, Git, & Xcode
Jeffrey Jackson
0 responses
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iOS code for saving "Open In" file to Documents directory (and resolving duplicate filenames)
Anthony Levings
0 responses
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How to intercept Call event in an application ?
Vincent Saluzzo
0 responses
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How to determine if an IP address is reachable ?
Vincent Saluzzo
0 responses
xcode, ios, c, objective-c
Best tutorial site for Objective-C courses
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xcode, objective-c, ios
New XCode 4.6.1 Corrupts Provisioning Profiles
Ivan Ramirez
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xcode, objc
Switching iOS Localizations like a Pro
Elvis Nuñez
0 responses
ios, xcode, apple, localization
Swift: A one-line method to add insert functionality to String instances (Xcode 6 Beta 5)
Anthony Levings
0 responses
ios, xcode, algorithms, string