A guy who is a programmer by passion, enthusiast of agile methods, methodical, in his spare time loves to teach, and the most important: loves his life.
Joined September 2013
Tip to avoid bloated UIViewControllers
Raphael Oliveira
2 responses
ios, uiviewcontrollers
Cocoapods plugin for XCode5
Raphael Oliveira
0 responses
plugin, cocoapods, xcode5
Strange errors with Xcode5 and Cocoapods?
Raphael Oliveira
0 responses
ios, cocoapods, xcode5
How to unit test blocks in Obj-C
Raphael Oliveira
2 responses
xcode, unit-test, blocks, objective-c
TDD in iOS
Raphael Oliveira
0 responses
tdd, unit-test, objective-c, ios
Excelent link about Obj-C block syntax
Raphael Oliveira
0 responses
objective-c, blocks
156 Karma
8,042 Total ProTip Views

Fork and commit to someone's open source project in need

Bear 3
Have at least three original repos where Objective-C is the dominant language

Have at least one original repo where Objective-C is the dominant language